在「技職新樂園」藉由職人角色扮演,可以挑戰各技職學群相關研發知識為內容的捕魚大作戰、駕駛能源新科技、空中偵察兵等等的闖關互動裝置,並可實際了解各學群的專業及研發,以及認識相對應的職業類型與未來。 By role-playing workers of different vocations, visitors can challenge themselves to complete different quests, which include: The Fish Catching Mission (a facility teaching visitors about research and development of various vocational studies), Navigating New Energy Technology, Scouts in the Air, and more. Through these interactive facilities, visitors can not only understand the expertise and R&D of different vocational studies, but also explore future prospects and professions to which the knowledge of these professional studies can be applied. (即日起長期展出至110/12/31,2F第3特展廳,免費參觀 ) (Long-term exhibition; ends on December 31, 2021, at the Special Exhibition Gallery 3 on the 2nd Floor; no fee required)