公共電視在類比轉換數位的過程中,在攝影棚逐漸換裝數位設備的同時,亦將逐步汰換類比錄放影機為數位錄放影機,以留取數位設備所提供的最佳影像品質,而原有的類比設備將轉為尚未換裝部分的備用機,延續其使用價值。 During the transition from analog television to digital television, the Public Television Service furnished its studios with digital equipment and gradually replaced analog recorders with digital ones, so it can preserve images of the best quality produced by digital equipment. The old analog equipment will serve as backups in the future. 在公視第四攝影棚(藝文兒童棚)及副控室因應設備擴建或改良而拆除報廢之際,進入科工館典藏。 Equipment was removed or discarded during the expansion and upgrade of Studio 4 (Art and Children’s Programs Studio); the studio control room was curated in the NSTM collection. 展覽地點:本館B1F開放式典藏庫。 Venue: The Open Storage on B1