「六開機關鎖」是一款暗藏機關的古鎖文創商品,結合古代鎖匠的工藝技術與創意巧思,內部構造與設計原理十分巧妙,即便擁有正確的鑰匙,一時半刻仍難以將鎖打開,充分展現古人智慧與現代創意的結合,兼具收藏送禮與益智遊戲的功能。 This ancient six-open lock, a unique features-laden culture-creative product, integrates the techniques and creativity of locksmiths in the past. The structure and mechanism are relatively complicated. Even with the right key, one still cannot immediately open the lock. The lock, presenting the combination of ancient knowledge and modern creativity, can serve as a piece of your collection, a gift, or an interesting puzzle game.