超能家庭體驗智慧生活圈Super Family: A Taste of the Smart Life 面對新生寶寶,新手爸媽總是常常摸不著頭緒! First-time parents are often clueless about how to take care of their newborn babies. 出外工作,總擔心家中爺爺奶奶的有沒有身體不舒服情況! Constantly dwelling on elderly family members' health conditions during work, or 運動跑步,常常帶著手機總覺得不方便! bringing a smartphone while jogging or doing other exercises is such a hassle. 如何快速買到自己想要的衣服,快樂參加聚會! Want to know how to buy clothes that cater to our preferences so we can go to parties happily? 那還不快到4F衣技織長廳實際感受智慧穿戴帶來的智能生活! If you are also bedeviled by these problems, then head straight to the Exhibition Gallery of Textile & Clothing on the 4th Floor for a taste of the smart life brought by wearable technology! 歡迎下載智慧製造專區APP,體驗紡織科技帶來的智慧生活! We also encourage you to download the app for Smart Manufacturing Area to experience the smart life brought about by textile technology.