農業給您的印象是甚麼呢?臺灣的農產品多樣豐富,且安心健康的選擇伴隨著科技發展推陳出新,如何更有效率且提高品質一直是農業發展的目標之一。本展由本館與國立屏東科技大學生物機電工程系合作,帶您由傳統農業認識到智慧農業發展,說明農業如何逐步結合其他研究領域變得更具前瞻性與競爭力。 What is your impression of agriculture? Taiwan offers a wide selection of agricultural products; under the development of technologies, more safe and healthy options are becoming available. Increasing the efficiency of production and the quality of products has always been Taiwan’s agriculture development goal. Through the collaboration with the Department of Biomechatronics Engineering of National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, the Museum leads visitors to explore traditional agriculture and the development of smart agriculture. We also explain how agriculture enhances its prospects and competitive advantage by gradually integrating other fields of studies. (即日起至110/12/31,B1F圓形館廣場) (Starts from today till December 31, 2021, at the Round Plaza on B1)