本刊物是科工館為了行銷全館展覽與科教活動,傳達博物館訊息的線上櫥窗,並做為與民眾溝通的橋樑而發行。 民國89年2月發行試刊號,採雙月份發行,三折頁形式,並訂名為「資訊小舖」,內容包含「特展介紹」、「活動訊息」、「科工音樂會」、「科學演示」、「科技教育活動」及「視聽圖書室團體間播映節目表」等。 隨著各項臨特展及教育活動的內容增加,自民國91年2月增為五摺頁,並公佈每期內容於本館網站上,以便民眾查詢。民國91年5月後整合「資訊小舖」、「電子報」、「義工簡訊」等以報導本館動態為主的刊物,並更名為「科工館簡訊」,維持雙月出刊,形式改為14頁的小冊子,內容有館長的話、特展報導、科教活動、志工園地、電影院新片介紹等,發行對象為一般大眾與機構,藉此慶祝本館五週年館慶。 92年5月因應本館簡稱之更名,再度更改刊名為「工博館簡訊」,內容採專欄式,每期有館長的話、焦點活動、精采預告、現場追擊、深度報導等。104年1月再度更名為「科工館訊」。 現行「科工館訊」為七折拉頁形式,每年發行6期合計13萬份,館內參訪民眾索閱者踴躍,此外在館外重要場所(飯店、機場、車站及書店等)都陳列供索。本刊分為「館長的話」、「展覽訊息」、「蒐藏研究」、「科教活動」、「樓層平面圖」、「共通資訊」等,因應電子行銷與無紙化,本刊同步建置「科工館訊」電子版,並善用QR code讓民眾能夠「天涯若比好芳鄰,一指掌握科工館」。

The “NSTM Newsletter” is Going Bilingual Online The NSTM Newsletter is issued to serve as a bridge between the museum and the general public, promoting exhibitions and science education activities in the museum, as well as relaying news about the museum.

The first trial issue was published in February 2000. The bimonthly publication came in the form of tri-fold brochure and was named “the Info Stall.” It contained contents such as “Introduction to Special Exhibition”, “Event News”, “NSTM Concert”, “Scientific Demonstration”, “Technology Education Activities”, the “Timetable for the Visual-Audio Library Group Viewing Room”, and more.

As the number of special exhibitions and educational activities increased, the newsletter was expanded to become a five-fold brochure in February 2002; its content was published on the museum’s website as well, granting people easy access to it. The museum compiled publications such as “the Info Stall”, “e-Bulletin”, and “Volunteer Bulletin” after May 2002, and renamed the newsletter “NSTM Newsletter.” The newsletter remained a bimonthly publication and was transformed into a 14-page pamphlet, including contents such as “Words from the Director General”, “Special Exhibition Report”, “Technology Education Activities”, “Volunteers Bulletin”, “Introduction to New Movies”, and so on. The newsletter targeted the general public and institutions; it was published to celebrate the 5th anniversary of the museum.

Following a change to the museum’s acronym in May 2003, the newsletter was retitled the “Technology Museum Bulletin.” Contents were presented through columns such as “Words from the Director General”, “Featured Events”, “Event Preview”, “Live Report”, “In-Depth Report”, and so on. The publication was again renamed as the “NSTM Newsletter” in January 2015.

The “NSTM Newsletter” is a seven-fold brochure. Six issues are published every year, with the total number of issuances reaching 130,000. Visitors have responded to the newsletter positively so far; the newsletter is also available at other locations such as hotels, airports, train stations, and bookstores. The newsletter features “Words from the Director General”, “Exhibition Information”, “Research on Collections”, “Technology Education Activities”, “Floor Map”, “General Information”, and more. To adapt to the e-marketing and paperless operation trend, the museum created an electronic version of the “NSTM Newsletter” as well, allowing the general public to access it using the QR code. Such design helps the NSTM appear a close friend to people whom they believe can get to know effortlessly.