「牧場有這麼多牛要怎麼管理呢?」牧場主人除了要定時給乳牛餵食飼料及擠乳以外,還需要掌握乳牛的健康狀態,進一步調整改善。隨著科技的進步,現在的乳牛可配戴運用RFID製作的電子耳標,牧場主人只要憑藉RFID讀取器掃描乳牛電子耳標,即可獲得乳牛生日、配種、分娩等資料,更有效率的管理牛隻。歡迎參觀B3F「臺灣農業的故事展示廳」更新的「智慧製造體驗專區─智慧農業」! “How to manage a farm with so many cows?” A farm owner not only has to feed and milk cows over a certain period, but also has to get hold of the health conditions of his/her cows and carry out modification when necessary. Thanks to technological advancement, farm owners can now attach electronic labels made by RFID technology to their cows. The tags allow them to access information of a cow, such as its birthday, mating and labor, by scanning them using an RFID reader. In this way, farm owners can manage their cows more efficiently. Make sure to check out this new exhibition at “The Story of Taiwan Agriculture” held on B3.