彰化和美地區是國內織布廠聚集地,日治時期以手工紡棉為主,後經由撚粗紗、細紗、做粗繩、細繩,至發展成粗布用的粗棉紗原料。和美業者深覺自製研發織帶機的重要性,著手改良工廠內布機作為生產織帶機使用,而將面寬的機台更改規格,才讓紡織業者累積擁有仿製高速機台進而取代布機生產織帶的技術。 Hemei District of Changhua County used to be the hub of the textile industry. While mainly producing hand-woven cotton during the Japanese colonial era, factories in the area later switched to producing carded and combed yarn for ropes before finally turning to the manufacturing of carded cotton yarn for coarse cloth. Manufacturers in Hemei District realized how important it was for them to develop their own looms. They later worked on modifying the traditional looms based on their self-devised model and reduced their sizes, helping the textile industry replace traditional weaving looms with high-speed machinery. 科工館典藏「傳統織帶機」屬於1983年期間由國人自製擁有織造生產四條織帶機主力機型,見證國人自製研發織帶機的過程,且記錄著臺灣紡織產業繁榮興起的歷程。 The “Traditional Tapestry Loom” in the NSTM collection is a major model made in Taiwan in 1983; it can produce four tapestries simultaneously. It not only bears witness to the process when Taiwanese people created tapestry looms, but also records the rise of the Taiwanese textile industry. 展覽地點:常設展-4F衣技織長展廳。 Venue: Permanent exhibition; Exhibition Gallery of Textile & Clothing on the 4th Floor