以教育部補助107年數位人文計畫「建構工業4.0科普學習平台」成果為基礎,將計畫成果所開發有關工業4.0等未來科技發展之課程模組設計「工業4.0智慧製造新世代 體驗課程」。透過團隊桌遊體驗及機械手臂與自走車的自動化工廠競賽,提升國中生跨領域、動手做及建立程式架構的基礎,瞭解工業革命的歷史演進與科技研發,讓解決問題的能力從小扎根。 Based on the achievements of the “Industry 4.0 Popular Science Learning Platform Establishment Project,” a 2018 digital cultural program subsidized by the Ministry of Education, the Museum adopted a course module for educating people about future Industry 4.0 technology development from the project and designed the trial course: “Industry 4.0: The New Generation of Smart Manufacturing.” By enabling junior high school students to play board games in groups, as well as teaching them the automation competition of robotic arm and autonomous vehicle manufacturers, the trial course helps to strengthen their interdisciplinary skills, solidify their foundation for DIY and programming, and improve their understanding of the history of the Industrial Revolution and technology R&D. Hopefully, this exhibition will help to build a solid foundation for students’ problem-solving skills at the early stage of their lives. (1/21、1/30、2/1、2/8,B1創客工場) (January 21st, January 30th, February 1st, and February 8th at the TrueDream Land on B1)