南橫公路開拓文物展為重建養護台20線的公路總局三工處保存之文物,文物反映公路工程人員的工作日常,也對應著公路開拓時的篳路藍縷。專書《埡口之巔─南橫青山在》,感受南橫公路之前世與今生,以及獲得無數獎項之影片《護蟹任務》,從南臺灣環繞恆春半島海岸的省道公路台26線認識生態與建設兼具的工程思維。文物展呈現內容多元性外,亦是結合公路開拓科技歷史及環境生態的永續。此批文物因科工館災害防救科技物件徵集計畫的啟動,有機會與公路總局第三區養護工程處合作。 The relics displayed in this exhibition were collected by the Third Maintenance Office of the Directorate General of Highways, MOTC, from the maintenance operation of the Taiwan Provincial Highway 20. They reflect not only the daily life of maintenance workers, but also the difficulties of constructing the Highway. The book The Peak of Yakou: Home to the Southern Cross-Island Highway (埡口之巔─南橫青山在) guides readers to explore the past and present of the Highway. On the other hand, the award-winning movie Crab Escorting Mission (護蟹任務) leads people to the Taiwan Provincial Highway 26 (surrounding the coast of Hengchun Peninsula in Southern Taiwan) and reveals to them the idea behind its construction, which involved ecology and engineering. Besides a diverse lineup, the relics also embody the development of highway construction techniques and the sustainability of the environment and ecosystem. Thanks to the launch of the Damage-Prevention Instruments Collection Project, the Museum had the honor to cooperate with the Third Maintenance Office of the Directorate General of Highways, MOTC, on this exhibition. 展覽期間:109年1月1日至3月31日。活動期間:109年2月1、2、8、9日。展覽地點:B1F開放式典藏庫。 Exhibition period: January 1st to March 31, 2020; activities to be held on February 1st, February 2nd, February 8th, and February 9, 2020; venue: The Open Storage on B1