「奇幻國」展示廳,是一個穿越時空、融合古老與科幻的「聲光之城」奇想世界,打造了一座模擬中古世紀歐洲城堡,以聲音與光影為主題的科學展示。 The Magic World is a wondrous realm featuring elements of different time frames and the Town of Sound and Light, a medieval European-style castle incorporating antiquity and technology. This science exhibition centers on sound, light, and imaging. 本次局部更新三大主題區域:「魔法聲林」、「幻影村」和「光之城堡」,進行汰舊換新,推薦的亮點有:「地球村」、「幻影湖2.0」、「跳躍的影像」、「誰的聲音大?」、「光的調色盤」、「螢光魔法書」、「光影派對」。 The partial update includes three major areas: The Magic Forest, the Town of Shadow, and the Castle of Light. Recommended spots include the Global Village, the Lake of Shadow 2.0, the Dancing Image, Who’s Louder, the Palette of Light, the Florescent Magic Book, and A Party of Light and Shadow. (即日起長期展出,B1F兒童科學園/奇幻國) (The permanent exhibition starts from today at the Children’s Science Center/ Magic World on B1)