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National Science And Technology Museum


Past Exhibitions

Photovoltaic- Solar Power Generation

Photovoltaic- Solar Power Generation

Photovoltaic- Solar Power Generation

The Legend of Whale Island

The Legend of Whale Island

The Legend of Whale Island

Game Rose

Game Rose

Game Rose

Special Exhibition of 2009 U19 Taiwan Creativity Competition

Special Exhibition of 2009 U19 Taiwan Creativity Competition

Taiwan Sustainable Campus

Taiwan Sustainable Campus

Taiwan Sustainable Campus

Fatal Beauty- Traditional Weapons from Central Africa

Fatal Beauty- Traditional Weapons from Central Africa

Fatal Beauty- Traditional Weapons from Central Africa

The Mobile Forest- Promotion of Physical Health

The Mobile Forest- Promotion of Physical Health

This special exhibition integrates education into fun games; through graphics, texts, and games, the knowledge of health and exercise is conveyed to participants, who are encouraged to integrate exercise into their daily activities and maintain an active lifestyle. This exhibition features five activity areas: “Walk into the Green Forests-Survey Your Health”, “The Knowledge Woods of Physical Health”, “The Woods of Physical Challenge”, “Challenges of Physical Fitness”, and “Everyday Exercise at Home”. “Walk into the Green Forest-Survey Your Health”: This section checks your blood pressure and heart rate, measures your waistline, and tells you your BMI.   “The Knowledge Woods of Physical Health”: This section displays a health pyramid and features mechanical button pressing and board flipping games to check your motor functions and give you the correct knowledge of the waistline and healthy blood pressure.   The Woods of Physical Challenge: This section simulates physical fitness trainings through five physical fitness flash games. “Challenges of Physical Fitness”: This section features experiences of fitness training through bicycling, walking, and stretching to provide participants the knowledge of calorie-consumption, optimal walking speed, and the importance of flexibility.   “Everyday Exercise at Home”: This section features simple home exercise aids to show participants what they can do at home, as well as a lucky draw activity.   Organizer: Bureau of Health Promotion, Department of Health, Executive Yuan Co-organizer: Bureau of Health, Kaohsiung City Government

Morphotower- An Installation Art of Magnetic Fluids

Morphotower- An Installation Art of Magnetic Fluids

Morphotower/Spiral Swirl is an installation sculpture of Sachiko Kodama built in 2009 for the National Science and Technology Museum. Sachiko Kodama, a media artist, majored in Physics in her college years and completed her PhD in Art. After she began her teaching career at the University of Electro-Communications in 2000, she began a series of creative projects, themed “Protrude, Flow”, to explore the media of magnetic fluids.   A magnetic fluid is composed of micro magnetic particles carried in a water or oil based fluid; this fluid often appears in a black liquid form carrying strong magnetism. Magnetic fluids are far more versatile than regular iron sand in terms of the shapes they are capable of forming and very often complex three-dimensional life-like forms can be created.   Both “Protrude, Flow” and “Spiral Swirl” react to the noises in the exhibition space and respond with lively activities. Especially in the “Spiral Swirl” series, the magnetic fluid dances around the Morphotower to the rhythm and tempo of the music.   One magnetic fluid art presents a simulation of the rhythmic movement of a dining table; it is a display of the interaction between metal and magnetic fluids on a horizontal surface, centering around a “balance point”. Another installation, “Waves and Sea Urchins”, features roaming sea urchins splashing in a pool. The originality of the creations continues to receive the highest opinions in the exhibitions of art and science museums worldwide.   Sachiko Kodama, a professorial candidate of Tokyo University of Electro-Communications and media artist, has won the Grand Award in the Fifth Ministry of Culture Media Art Festival for the interactive media category, the Grand Award in Japan's Digital Contents Grandprix, and the Art Award from the Informatics and Sciences Association. She has been invited to exhibit at the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia Spain, Tokyo Art Museum, and Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography. Name of Exhibit: Morphotowerr/Two Spiral Swirl (2009) Artist: Sachiko Kodama Music: 日高哲英  Technical Assistant: Miyajima Yasushi Sony CSL    Trial Run; Wednesday thru Sunday; four openings per day (two in the morning and two in the afternoon; morning 10:00-10:15, 11:00-11:15; afternoon: 14:00-14:15, 15:00-15:15). Exhibition guides are available on weekends and holidays and admission for each show is limited to 40 persons only.

Space Expedition- The 40th Anniversary of Apollo

Space Expedition- The 40th Anniversary of Apollo

In the 1960's, the US NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) opened and era of space expedition- the Apollo Mission. Huge amounts of resources were invested into the mission of realizing the dreams of the mankind-lifting off the Earth and flying into space. (TheNationalAeronauticsandSpaceAdministration-NASA July 21st 1969 (Taipei Time)- this is a memorable moment. Astronaut, Armstrong, carried the dreams of the mankind and successfully landed on the moon. “That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind,” the words he spoke are remembered in history. When Apollo 11 landed on the moon, an estimated 600 million people witnessed the first step of man on the moon. For great curiosity and great ambitions, mankind overcame all sorts of challenges and went on toward further space missions. For 40 years, the space has become another world of brave expedition of mankind and the mysteries of the space have also been unveiled one by one. On the 40th Anniversary of Apollo 11's landing on the Moon, the National Science and Technology Museum teams up with American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) to organize the “Space Expedition- The 40th Anniversary of Apollo” photography exhibition, which is co-hosted by the National Geographic Channel. This exhibition commemorates the potentially dangerous missions of space expeditions in the past 40 years, featuring 40 large images of space supplied directly by NASA. These precious images will certainly convey the majestic sights of space. Documentary films for the Golden Anniversary of NASA will also be played in the exhibition. Through the precision telescope facilities, the immense world of the space will be brought before your eyes. This is a monumental breakthrough in the space technologies of the mankind. It will be very interesting; do not miss the fun. Exhibition Time: July 24th (Fri.) to November 1st (Sun.) 2009 Exhibition Site: 6th Floor, Hallway of the Air Navigation and Aerospace Center, National Museum of Science & Technology Organizers: National Museum of Science & Technology, American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) Co-organizer: National Geographic Channel Film Time: Name: 50 Years of Exploration: The Golden Anniversary of NASA Time: The film runs repeatedly in cycle Name: Apollo13 Time: 11:00am on July 26th (Sun.) Name: Hubble's Final Frontier Time: 11:00am August 23rd (Sun.) Name: The Right Stuff Time: 11:00am September 20th (Sun.) Name: History's Secret2: Secrets of The Moon Landing Time: 11:00am October 18th (Sun.) ※Location: 6th Floor, Hallway of the Air Navigation and Aerospace Center, National Museum of Science & Technology※ “Web links for Apollo related information”: Official Apollo Website: Apollo Anniversary Website: Apollo: Through the Eyes of the Astronauts

Marine Kaohsiung Exhibition

Marine Kaohsiung Exhibition

Marine Kaohsiung Exhibition
