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National Science And Technology Museum


Latest Films


  • Screening date:2024/07/01-2024/12/31
  • Genre:Digital 3D
  • Length:20min.
  • This film explores the majesty of the largest animal ever to walk on Earth. The film takes viewers on a journey through the Southern Hemisphere of the Late Cretaceous period, exploring the life histories and environments of these long-necked sauropods, from dinosaur eggs hatching to towering adult titanosaurs.

    Titanosaur 3D explores the process by which scientists gather clues to understand and imagine these giant reptiles, revealing some secrets about their diet, anatomy, rapid growth and even their behavior. Through vivid and scientifically accurate computer animation, the prehistoric world of the Titans is brought to life in this touching and family-friendly celebration of the world's largest herbivore.
  • Trailer
