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National Science And Technology Museum


Past Exhibitions

The Mobile Forest- Promotion of Physical Health

The Mobile Forest- Promotion of Physical Health

  • Exhibition date: 2009-08-11~2009-10-11
  • Exhibition place:
This special exhibition integrates education into fun games; through graphics, texts, and games, the knowledge of health and exercise is conveyed to participants, who are encouraged to integrate exercise into their daily activities and maintain an active lifestyle.

This exhibition features five activity areas: “Walk into the Green Forests-Survey Your Health”, “The Knowledge Woods of Physical Health”, “The Woods of Physical Challenge”, “Challenges of Physical Fitness”, and “Everyday Exercise at Home”.

“Walk into the Green Forest-Survey Your Health”: This section checks your blood pressure and heart rate, measures your waistline, and tells you your BMI.
“The Knowledge Woods of Physical Health”: This section displays a health pyramid and features mechanical button pressing and board flipping games to check your motor functions and give you the correct knowledge of the waistline and healthy blood pressure.
The Woods of Physical Challenge: This section simulates physical fitness trainings through five physical fitness flash games.

“Challenges of Physical Fitness”: This section features experiences of fitness training through bicycling, walking, and stretching to provide participants the knowledge of calorie-consumption, optimal walking speed, and the importance of flexibility.
“Everyday Exercise at Home”: This section features simple home exercise aids to show participants what they can do at home, as well as a lucky draw activity.
Organizer: Bureau of Health Promotion, Department of Health, Executive Yuan
Co-organizer: Bureau of Health, Kaohsiung City Government
Exhibition QR Code
The Mobile Forest- Promotion of Physical Health