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National Science And Technology Museum



  • Department: Creative and Cultural Promotion Division
  • Position: Associate Researcher
Personal Publication
安提基瑟拉機構之系統化復原設計 Systematic Reconstruction Designs of Antikythera Mechanism (in English)
Periodical Paper
  • H.-S. Yan, J.-L. Lin, 2011.02, “Reconstruction synthesis of the calendrical subsystem of the Antikythera mechanism,” ASME Transactions, Journal of Mechanical Design, Vol.133, No.2, pp.021004-1~9. (SCI)
  • H.-S. Yan, J.-L. Lin, 2012.01, “Reconstruction synthesis of the lost subsystem for the planetary motions of Antikythera mechanism,” ASME Transactions, Journal of Mechanical Design, Vol.134, pp.011003-1~13. Also in the 35th Mechanisms and Robotics Conferences, paper no. DETC2011-47773. (SCI)
  • J.-L. Lin, H.-S. Yan, 2012.04, “Historical development of reconstruction designs of Antikythera mechanism,” Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol.163, pp.1-6. Also in Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on History of Mechanical Technology and Mechanical Design. (EI)
  • H.-S. Yan, J.-L. Lin, 2012.10, “Reconstruction synthesis of the unexplained feature in the lunar subsystem of Antikythera mechanism,” Proceedings of the Institute of Mechanical Engineers, Part C, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, Vol.226(Cx), pp.1053-1067. (SCI)
  • H.-S. Yan, J.-L. Lin, 2013.10, “Reconstruction synthesis of the lost interior mechanism for the solar anomaly motion of the Antikythera mechanism,” Mechanism and Machine Theory, Vol.70, pp.354-371. (SCI)
  • J.-L. Lin, H.-S. Yan, 2014.01, “Reconstruction designs of the lost structures of Antikythera mechanism with two degrees of freedom,” Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, Vol.6(2), pp.031016-1~12. (SCI)
  • J.-L. Lin, H.-S. Yan, 2015, “Decoding the moon phase display device over the front dial of the Antikythera mechanism,” Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Vol.28(4), pp.676-683. Also in IFToMM Asian Conference on Mechanism and Machine Science (Asian-MMS 2014), July 9-14, Tianjin, China. (EI)
  • J.-L. Lin, H.-S. Yan, 2017, “An Introduction to the Reconstruction Model of Antikythera Mechanism,” Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Mechanism and Machine Science: Proceedings of ASIAN MMS 2016 & CCMMS 2016, Chapter 47, pp.1-14, Springer. (DOI 10.1007/978-981-10-2875-5_47). (EI)
  • K. Shi, Y. Zhang, J.-L. Lin, K.-H. Hsiao,2017, “Ancient Chinese Maze Locks,” Transactions of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 41, No. 3, pp.433-441. (SCI)
  • J.-L. Lin, 2019.06, “A Review of Reconstruction Research for the Lost Gearing of Antikythera Astronomical Calculator, ” IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, (ISSN: 1757-899X).【EI】
  • G.-C. Chen, J.-L. Lin, H.-S. Yan, 2020, “ Design and Analysis of AC Induction Motors with Integrated Gear Trains, ” Journal of the Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers, Vol.41(2), pp 141~147
  • J.-L. Lin, K.-H. Hsiao, 2022, “ A Review on Structural Analysis of Trigger Mechanism of Rubber Band Gun, ” The 11th International Multi-Conference on Engineering and Technology Innovation (Kaohsiung)
  • 吳淑華、林建良、林婕雅,博物館展示與企業合作模式及應用之探討:以國立科學工藝博物館為例,科技博物,202003 (24:1期)。
Conference Paper
  • H.-S. Yan, J.-L. Lin, 2011, “Reconstruction synthesis of the lost subsystem for the planetary motions of Antikythera mechanism,” ASME 2011 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference - the 35th Mechanisms and Robotics Conferences, August 28-31, 2011, Washington DC, USA. (paper no. DETC2011-47773)
  • J.-L. Lin, H.-S. Yan, 2012, “Historical development of reconstruction designs of Antikythera mechanism,” Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on History of Mechanical Technology and Mechanical Design, ICHMTMD 2012, March 23-25, Tainan, Taiwan.
  • J.-L. Lin, H.-S. Yan, 2014, “Decoding the moon phase display device over the front dial of the Antikythera mechanism,” IFToMM Asian Conference on Mechanism and Machine Science (Asian-MMS 2014), July 9-14, Tianjin, China. The Best Paper Award.
  • Y-H. Chen, J.-L. Lin, H.-S. Yan, 2016, “An Introduction to the Ancient Mechanical Wind-instrument Automata,” International Symposium on History of Machines and Mechanisms, 2016, June, Autonomous University of Queretaro.
  • J.-L. Lin, H.-S. Yan, 2016.11, “An Introduction to the Reconstruction Model of Antikythera Mechanism,” Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Mechanism and Machine Science: Proceedings of ASIAN MMS & CCMMS 2016 (Springer) ,Vol.408/Ch 47.
  • J.-L. Lin, 2017.07,“Mechanism Analysis of Water Powered Bellows in Ancient Western Illustrations,” 2017 International Conference on Applied System Innovation (IEEE Xplore).【EI】
  • K.-H. Hsiao, Y. Zhang, K. Shi, J.-L. Lin, 2017.07,“Structural Analyses of Mechanisms with Springs in Ancient China,” 2017 International Conference on Applied System Innovation (IEEE Xplore).【EI】
  • J.-L. Lin, K.-H. Hsiao, S.-H. Wu, K. Shi , 2018.04,“Optimal Teeth Design of the Lost Mechanisms for Interior Planets of Antikythera Astronomical Device,” 2018 IEEE International Conference on Applied System Invention (IEEE Xplore).【EI】
  • J.-L. Lin, K.-H. Hsiao,, L.-C. Lin, 2018,“The Role of Museum to Promote STEM Education and Teacher Interdisciplinary Training: Introducing the Experience of National Science and Technology Museum,” 2nd International Conference on Information, Communication and Engineering.
  • J.-L. Lin, Y.-H. Chen, K.-H. Hsiao, J. - F. Huang, 2018.12,“Exploration of Ancient Machinery: From Reconstruction Research to Exhibition and Science Education,” Explorations in the History and Heritage of Machines and Mechanisms (published by Springer), No.37.
  • K.-H. Hsiao, Y. Zhang, J.-L. Lin, J.-F. Huang, H. An,2019.06, “A Study on Ancient Chinese Shanxi Locks,” IFToMM WC 2019: Advances in Mechanism and Machine Science (Mechanisms and Machine Science book series), Vol.73.【EI】
  • J.-L. Lin, C.-Y. Lin, 2019.10, “The Exhibit of Industrial Robots Based on Concepts of Technology Education: Take ”Smart Manufacturing Experience Zone” at National Science and Technology Museum as an Example, ” The 6th IFToMM International Symposium on Robotics and Mechatronics (Mechanisms and Machine Science book series), October 28-30, 2019.【EI】
  • K. Shi, Y. Zhang, J.-L. Lin, K.-H. Hsiao,2019, “Ancient Chinese Original Crossbow ”, 2019 International Conference on Applied System Innovation (IEEE Xplore).【EI】
  • Jian-Liang Lin, Kuo-Hung Hsiao, “A Review on the Structural Analysis of Leaning Suspension System of Three-wheeled Vehicles, “ 2021 ICASI, 2021.09.24-25, Alishan, Chiayi, Taiwan.
  • Jian-Liang Lin, Kuo-Hung Hsiao, “An Innovative Design of Desktop Shuttle Loom with Open-type Rigid Heald,” 2021 IMETI, 2021.10.29-11.02, Taoyuan, Taiwan
  • K.-H. Hsiao, H.-T. Wang, J.-L. Lin, C.-F. Huang,Structural Analysis of Traditional Chinese Blocked-keyhole Locks, ” 2021 IMETI, 2021.10.29-11.02, Taoyuan, Taiwan
  • J.-L. Lin, F.-Y. Su, C.-Y. Lin, K.-H. Hsiao, 2022, “Developing An Integrated Teaching Module for the Topic of Smart Industry in the Museum, ”2022 ICEEI, 2022.12.17, Hanoi, Vietnam
  • 林建良,陳羽薰,2010.10,“農書中水力驅動鼓風裝置(水排)之系統化復原合成”,技術:歷史與遺產,王思明、張柏春主編,中國農業科學技術出版社,ISBN 978-7-5116- 0209-1,183-189頁。Also presented in首屆中國技術史論壇,南京,2009.10.31-11.02。
  • 林建良,2013,“整合齒輪系與電動馬達之構形設計Configuration design of integrated electric motors with gear trains,” Prentedin the 2013 International Conference on Applied Mechanism and Machine Science(CCAMMS) (2013年中國機構與機器科學應用國際會議) ,July 8-10,Taiyuan,China.
  • 李浤澤、陳冠辰、林建良、顏鴻森,2017.12,“車窗升降器機構分析及改良設計”,中國機械工程學會第三十四屆全國學術研討會論文集,2017.12.01-02,勤益科技大學,臺中(研討會論文編號:09412)。
  • 吳淑華,林婕雅,林建良,2019,“博物館展示與企業合作模式及應用”,2019科普論壇,2019.10.1-2,國立科學工藝博物館,高雄。
  • 林婕雅,蘇芳儀,林建良,楊芝螢,2019,“「建構工業4.0科普學習平台」教案設計學習成效分析”,2019博物館的當代挑戰國際學術研討會,2019.10.17-18,國立科學工藝博物館,高雄。
  • 林建良,2020,“探究西方古代天文機械”,第十一屆科技史研討會彙刊,2017.04,南臺科技大學,臺南。
  • 林建良,2020,“古代機械復原研究於創客教育的應用”,2020科普論壇暨國際青年海廢論壇,2020.11.12-13,國立海洋科技博物館,基隆。
  • 林建良,2020,“創意性機械設計概念及古機械研究於創客教學之應用”, 第二十三屆全國機構與機器設計學術研討會(CSMMT2020),2020.11.13,國立成功大學,台南。
  • 林建良、曾愉涵,“創新紡織科普教具設計:平板綜片式簡易梭織機”,2021 國際科普論壇,國立海洋生物博物館,屏東。
演講 :
  • J.-L. Lin, H.-S. Yan, 2013, “ Systematic Reconstruction Designs of the Antikythera Mechanism, ” The International Scientific Meeting, held by the Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics Department of the University of Patras, the International Federation Theory of Machines and Mechanisms (IFToMM), the Permanent Committee for History of Machines and Mechanisms, and Ypatia Institute invites scientists and researchers, January 29, the National Archaeological Museum, Athens.
  • 創客教育推廣:博物館定位、現狀與未來」,專題演講,國立高雄應用科技大學模具工程系,2017。
  • 創客教育推廣及發展:災防創客工作坊經驗分享」,105年度在地化防災教育教案教材及演練輔具研發設計課程,國立科學工藝博物館,2016.07。
  • 創客教育推廣及發展:災防創客工作坊經驗分享」,107年度在地化防災教育教案教材及演練輔具研發設計課程,國立科學工藝博物館,2018.08。
  • 「科工館創客推廣維運:創意設計及古機械復原應用實例」,高雄中學(線上,2021.07。
  • 「科學傳播與職場」,國立屏東大學科學傳播系,2021.10。
  • 「110年度教育部國民及學前教育署推動高級中等學校3D列印普及培育計畫」,國立金門高中,2021.11。
  • 林建良,顏鴻森,2012.02,“簡介安提基瑟拉裝置復原研究之歷史發展中華民國機構與機器原理學會會刊,23卷,第1期,01-10頁。
  • 林建良,郭廷甫,姜嘉瑞,2019.06 “未來旅程-智慧車遊”,科技發展,第558期,13-17頁。
  • J.-L. Lin, H.-S. Yan,2016, “Decoding the Mechanisms of Antikythera Astronomical Device, “Springer, Beijing. (ISBN 978-3-662-48445-6)
  • 林建良,林俊杰,洪士勛,2023,“時間是誰發明的? ”,城邦出版社(審核校閱中)