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National Science And Technology Museum



Kuo-Hung Hsiao
  • Name: Kuo-Hung Hsiao
  • Department: Collections and Research Division
  • Position: Researcher
Personal Publication
  1. 蕭國鴻,1998,具負載變轉速盤形凸輪系統之研究,碩士論文,國立成功大學機械工程學系。
  2. 蕭國鴻,2007,張衡地動儀感震機構之系統化復原設計,博士論文,國立成功大學機械工程學系。
Periodical Paper
  1. Yan, H.S. and Hsiao, K.H., “Reconstruction Design of the Lost Seismoscope of Ancient China,” Mechanism and Machine Theory, Vol.42, No. 12, pp. 1601-1617, 2007. (SCI)
  2. Yan, H.S. and Hsiao, K.H., “Structural Synthesis of Zhang Heng’s Seismoscope with a Rope-and-pulley Mechanism,” Transaction of the Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers, Vol. 26, No. 5, pp. 89-97,2008. (SCI)
  3. Hsiao, K.H. and Yan, H.S., “Structural Synthesis of Zhang Heng’s Seismoscope with Cam-linkage Mechanisms,” Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems, and Manufacturing - Japan Society Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp.179-190, 2009. (SCI)
  4. Hsiao, K.H. and Yan, H.S., “The Review of Reconstruction Designs of Zhang Heng’s Seismoscope,” Journal of Japan Association for Earthquake Engineering, Vol.9, No.4, pp. 1-10, 2009.
  5. Hsiao, K.H., Lin, T.Y. and Yan, H.S., “The Record for 2008 International Symposium on History of Machines and Mechanisms,” The History of Science Newsletter, Vol. 32, pp. 27-32, 2009.
  6. Hsiao, K.H., Chen, Y.H., and Yan, H.S., “Structural synthesis of ancient Chinese foot-operated silk-reeling mechanism,” Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering in China, Vol. 5, No. 3, pp. 279-288, 2010.
  7. Yan, H.S. and Hsiao, K.H., “Structural Synthesis of the Uncertain Joints in the Drawings of Tain Gong Kai Wu,” Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems, and Manufacturing - Japan Society Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 4, No. 4, pp. 773-784, 2010. (SCI)
  8. Hsiao, K.H. and Yan, H.S., “Structural Identification of the Uncertain Joints in the Drawings of Tain Gong Kai Wu. Journal of the Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers, Vol. 31, No. 5, pp. 383-392, 2010. (SCI)
  9. Hsiao, K.H., Chen, Y.H., Tsai, P.Y. and Yan, H.S.*, “Structural Synthesis of Ancient Chinese Foot-operated Slanting Loom,” Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, Vol. 225, Issue 11, pp. 2685-2699, 2011. (SCI)  
  10. Hsiao, K.H. and Yan, H.S., “Structural Synthesis of Ancient Chinese Drawloom for Pattern-weaving,” Transactions of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 35, No. 2, pp. 291-308, 2011. (SCI)
  11. Hsiao, K.H. and Yan, H.S., “Structural Analyses of Ancient Chinese Crossbows,” Journal of Science and Innovation, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 1-8, 2012.
  12. Hsiao, K.H., “Structural Synthesis of Ancient Chinese Original Crossbow,” Transactions of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 37, No. 2, pp. 259-271, 2013. (SCI)
  13. 蕭國鴻,黃馨慧,顏鴻森,喇叭鎖的前世今生,科學發展,474期,2012年06月。
  14. 余安順,蕭國鴻,鄭建琪,古今鎖具探索與演變,科學月刊,526期,2013年10月。
  15. 蕭國鴻,古中國十字弓,科學發展,504期,2014年12月。
  16. 蕭國鴻、安海、熊文義、鄭婷芳,古中國的木鎖,科技博物,第20卷,第3期,第41-54頁,2016年9月。
  17. Hsiao, K.H. and Chen, Y.H., “Structural Analyses of Water Lifting Devices with Gears in Ancient China,” Transactions of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 40, No. 4, pp. 607-617, 2016. (SCI)
  18. Hsiao, K.H., “On the Structural Analysis of Open-Keyhole Puzzle Locks in Ancient China,” Mechanism and Machine Theory, Vol. 118, pp. 168-179, 2017. (SCI)
  19. Shi, K., Zhang, Y., Lin, J.L., Hsiao, K.H., “Ancient Chinese Maze Locks,” Transactions of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 41, No. 3, pp. 433-441, 2017. (SCI)
  20. Hsiao, K.H., “Structural Analysis of Traditional Chinese Hidden-keyhole Padlocks,” Mechanical Sciences, Vol. 9, pp. 189-188, 2018. (SCI)
  21. Shi, K., Hsiao, K.H., Zhao, Y., Huang, C.F., Xiong, W.Y., “Structural Analysis of Ancient Chinese Wooden Locks,” Mechanism and Machine Theory, Vol. 146, pp. 1-13, 2019. (SCI)
  22. Chen,Y.H., Chen, G.C., Wu, C.T., Lee, C.L., Chen, Y.R., Huang, J.F., Hsiao, K.H., and Lin, J.I.,“Object Investigation of Industrial Heritage: The Forging and Metallurgy Shop in Taipei Railway Workshop,” Applied Sciences, Vol. 10, pp. 1-18, 2020. (SCI)
  23. Zhang, Y., Hsiao, K.H.,“Traditional Chinese Yuekou locks,”Mechanical Sciences, Vol. 11, pp. 411–423, 2020. (SCI)
  24. 蕭國鴻,探索古老鎖具,臺灣博物季刊,40(4),2021年12月。
  25. Zhang, Y., Wang, H.T., Lin, J.L., Huang, C.F., Hsiao, K.H.,“Structural Analysis of Traditional Chinese Blocked-keyhole Locks,”Mechanical Sciences, Vol. 13, pp. 791-802, 2022. (SCI)
  26. Shi, K., Zhang, Y., Wang, M.J., Hsiao, K.H., Yao, Y.A.,“Structural Analysis of Traditional Chinese Complex Puzzle Locks,”Scientific Reports, 12:11237, 2022. (SCI)
  27. 蕭國鴻、鄭婷芳,傳統鎖具之蒐藏研究及博物館衍生應用,臺灣博物季刊,41( 3),2022年12月。
Conference Paper
  1. 顏鴻森,蕭國鴻,徐孟輝,“單行程凸輪運動之轉速函數設計”,中國機械工程學會,第十四屆全國學術研討會論文集,中壢,臺灣,第455-462頁,1997。
  2. Yan, H.S. and Hsiao, K.H., “The development of ancient earthquake instruments,” Proceedings of ASME 2006 Design Engineering Technical Conferences - the 30th Mechanisms and Robotics Conferences, paper no. DETC2006-99107, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, September 10-13, 2006. (EI)
  3. 陳羽薰,蕭國鴻,顏鴻森,“《農書》穀物加工器械之機構構造分析”,中華民國機構與機器原理學會,第十二屆中華民國機構與機器設計學術研討會論文集,嘉義,第162-169頁,2009。
  4. 蕭國鴻,林建良,顏鴻森,“張衡地動儀內部機構之系統化復原合成”,中國農業科學技術出版社,北京,2010。
  5. 蕭國鴻,林建良,陳羽薰,顏鴻森,“農書中水力驅動鼓風裝置(水排)之系統化復原合成”,中國農業科學技術出版社,北京,2010。
  6. Hsiao, K.H. and Yan, H.S., On the Structural Synthesis of Mechanisms in Ancient Chinese Books with Illustrations, Third IFToMM Asian Conference on Mechanism and Machine Science, Tianjin, 2014.
  7. Chen, Y.H., Hsiao, K.H., Lin, T.Y., Yan, H.S., An Introduction to the Gravity-driven Clocks in the Forbidden City, 2014 Workshop on History of Mechanisms and Machines, Tianjin, 2014.
  8. Hsiao, K.H. and Chen, Y.H., Zhuge Repeating Crossbow: from Basic Research to Exhibition in Museums, 14th World Congress in Mechanism and Machine, Taipei, 2015.
  9. Chen, Y.H., Hsiao, K.H., Lin, T.Y., Yan, H.S., Mechanical Study on the Calligraphy Writing Automaton in the Forbidden City, Proceedings of 2015 IFToMM Workshop on History of Mechanism and Machine Science, Moscow, 2015.
  10. Hsiao, K.H., Zhang, Y., Shi, K., Lin, J.L.,  "Structural Analyses of Mechanisms with Springs in Ancient China,” 2017 International Conference on Applied System Innovation (ICASI), pp. 1110-1113, 2017. (EI)J
  11. Lin, J.L., Hsiao, K.H., Wu, S.H., "Optimal Teeth Design of the Lost Mechanisms for Interior Planets of Antikythera Astronomical Device,”Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Applied System Innovation 2018, pp. 1-4, 2018. (EI)
  1. M. Cecceralli (Editor); Yan, H.S., Wang, H.T, Chen, C.W., and Hsiao, K.H., XIAN-ZHOU LIU (1890-1975), Distinguished Figures in Mechanism and Machine Science: Their Contributions and Legacies, pp. 267-278, Springer, Netherlands, 2007. ISBN: 978-1-4020-6365-7
  2. Hsiao, K.H. and Yan H.S., “Structural Synthesis of Ancient Chinese Zhuge Repeating Crossbow,” Explorations in the History of Machines and Mechanisms (ISBN: 978-94-007-4131-7), Springer, pp. 213-228, 2012.(專書專章)
  3. Hsiao, K.H. and Yan, H.S., “Structural Synthesis of Ancient Chinese Chu State Repeating Crossbow,” Advances in Reconfigurable Mechanisms and Robots I (ISBN: 978-1-4471-4140-2), Springer, pp. 749-758, 2012.(專書專章)
  4. Hsiao, K.H., Yan, H.S., Mechanisms in ancient Chinese books with illustrations, Springer, Netherlands, 2014.  ISBN: 978-3-319-02008-2(專書)
  5. 蕭國鴻,顏鴻森,古中國書籍具插圖之機構,東華書局,台北,2015。ISBN: 978-957-483-849-3(專書)
  6. 蕭國鴻,顏鴻森,古中國書籍插圖之機構,大象出版社,河南鄭州,2016。 ISBN: 978-7-5347-7914-5(專書)
  7. Lin, J.L., Chen, Y.H., Hsiao, K.H., Huang, J.F., "Exploration of Ancient Machinery: From Reconstruction Research to Exhibition and Science Education,” Explorations in the History and Heritage of Machines and Mechanisms, pp. 134 - 143, 2018.  ISBN: 978-3-030-03537-2(專書專章)