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National Science And Technology Museum


Past Exhibitions

Calligraphy of Liu Cheng-Dan and Collection of Qing Dynasty Stationeries

Calligraphy of Liu Cheng-Dan and Collection of Qing Dynasty Stationeries

Agricultural Biological Technology in Taiwan

Agricultural Biological Technology in Taiwan

“Tobacco Control” Exhibition

“Tobacco Control” Exhibition

“Tobacco Control” Exhibition

Applications of Renewable Energy

Applications of Renewable Energy

Energy is the essential driving force for the development of economy and growth of society, and energy consumption is closely related to the density of population. In 2000, the population on Earth reached 6 billion and the experts estimated that the population will reach 12 billion by 2042. Resources on the Earth are limited; by that time, the petro-energy stored in Earth will become insufficient to supply for the needs of the population in the world. Beyond the supply issue, pollution caused by use of petro-energy is hurting the Earth in a different way; therefore, many countries are now actively engaged in the development of renewable energy.Treasure the Earth, use renewable energy The Applications of Renewable Energy Exhibition invites parents and children to experience the real forces of nature.    “Renewable Energy, Clean Earth energy”application exhibition will be held for 28 days from September 20th to October 16th and "Green", the renewable energy mascot, will guide the audience into the world of solar energy, hydraulic energy, wind-generated energy, biomass energy, geothermal energy, oceanic, and renewable energy. The exhibition is designed in two major themes- the "Clean Energy Vehicles" and "Renewable Energy" and many interesting concepts will be introduced to the public, including transportation vehicles: the whole new solar energy car, Apollo Plus, bio-diesel SUV, third generation electrical motorcycle, small hybrid electrical vehicle, and electrical bicycle, as well as other applications: solar water heater, solar cooking stove, waste derivative fuels, wind-power generation, thermal power generation, solar power driven ferries wheel, and "Cool" energy-saving house. It will be a fun event filled with interesting knowledge and the best field trip for families. This year's event has the specially added “Clean Energy Vehicle section,” and “Apollo Plus” designed by the National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences will be the star of the show. Apollo Plus has become a star since it won the fourth place out of 22 teams in the First World Solar Challenge in Athens. There is also the biodiesel SUV designed by Taiwan NJC Corp. It is a car that runs on the diesel derived from waste food oil, which effectively lowers the amount of waste gas emission. Several electrical motorcycles and hybrid motor vehicles developed by the Mechanical and Systems Research Laboratories ITRI under sponsorship of the Bureau of Energy (MOEA) are also showcased in this exhibition. These are the practical applications that will become part of our lives in the near future. Renewable energy is a naturally recyclable and reusable energy. Compared to the energy we are using now, for example fossil fuels like oil, coal, and natural gas which are limited in quantity, regenerative energy can be recycled again and again and used sustainably. There are currently six types of energy classified as renewable energy: solar energy, wind-power energy, hydraulic energy, bio-energy, geothermal energy, and oceanic energy. Renewable energy is not only a type of energy that can be recycled and reused, but also a form of clean energy. It has the advantages of unlimited quantity, clean, and harmless to the environment, and provides diversified options for free choice. However, there are also limitations to the renewable energies, such as higher cost and unstable supply which is due to the reason that renewable energies from the nature, such as solar and wind power, are affected by the seasonal cycle and climate. In addition, some forms of energy are low in density, so large devices are required for sufficient power generation; for examples, a large open space is needed for installation of solar panels and a wide open area is needed for wind-power generators. With limited land resources and relatively high population density, it is hard to find such empty lands for large installations. To make the concept of "renewable energy" easy to understand for children, we have also planned an education event, which will be held from September 20th to October 16th in the morning and afternoon of Saturdays and Sundays. Through games and DIY sessions, we will bring children the knowledge of renewable energies and their applications. Parents are also welcome to join us.

Exploring the Unknown 90%: Samuel C.C Ting and the Particles Exhibition

Exploring the Unknown 90%: Samuel C.C Ting and the Particles Exhibition

Exploring the Unknown 90%: Samuel C.C Ting and the Particles Exhibition



Eye on Taiwan- Formosa Satellite Exhibition

Eye on Taiwan- Formosa Satellite Exhibition

Eye on Taiwan- Formosa Satellite Exhibition

Mysterious Tibet 2004/2005 Road Show

Mysterious Tibet 2004/2005 Road Show

Mahamudra Five Paths Dharma Studies Association hosts the “2004/2005 Mysterious Tibet- Tibet Culture Road Show,”which will be open to the public from January 20th to February 28th 2005 at the National Museum of Science and Technology Kaohsiung. This exhibition showcases an extensive collection of Tibetan cultural relics, including the first ever exhibition of Master of Wisdom and Method- Doma and the Thankas of the four sects and eight schools of Tibetan Buddhism. Through this exhibition, we aim to bring you into the beautiful Tibetan culture and in-depth knowledge of harmony among the different races.The “2004/2005 Mysterious Tibet Road Show” showcases an extensive collection of Tibetan cultural relics, including the first ever exhibition of “Master of Wisdom and Method- Doma” and the “Thankas of the four sects and eight schools of Tibetan Buddhism.” This an exhibition that set many records, including the most comprehensive collection of Doma and Thankas. Through art, we will bring you into the mysterious Tibetan culture and enable you to survey in-depth the civilization of a very different race, in aim to facilitate cultural learning and exchange.   This year's “Mysterious Tibet Road Show” will showcase the largest Doma ever made in the history of Tibet, which measures at 265cm high. This largest Doma, made jointly by the Drikung Kagyu, Karma Kagyu,and Drukpa Kagyu lineage, Yellow Sect (Gelug), Red sect (rnying-ma-ba), and Spotted Sect (sa-skya-pa), represents the essences of the four major sects in Tibetan Buddhism. Twenty Lamas in the purest state and obeying the strictest of codes took five months to produce this Doma.   Thanka is the most representative art form of Tibetan culture. A small Thanka contains knowledge of religion, history, legends, literature, culture, science, and medical knowledge. A Thanka can be produced in a wide range of materials and the unique religious color and image styles makes it a favored collectible throughout history.   Thankas showcased in this exhibition are characteristic in several aspects: I       The most complete range of heritages: This exhibit showcases Thankas from all four sects and eight lineages of Tibetan Buddhism. II     The most complete range of styles: there are Thankas produced strictly in the traditional ways, as well as images integrated with background treatment done in the Western art techniques. Materials used may be from precious jewels and pure gold powders to modern color pigments. Some unique Thankas are produced with silk embroidery and various patch works. The full range include the gold Thankas made with 24K gold powder, black Thankas, red Thankas, antique Thankas, embroidered Thankas, patch work Thankas, contemporary Thankas, and traditional Thankas. III    The most comprehensive subject areas: the subject areas include tryadhvaika buddha, Bodhisattva, Dharmapalas, dakini, founders of the sects, and refuge scenarios.   During the exhibition period, two sacred lama dances will be performed at 10:0am and 3:0pm on Saturdays and Sundays, and Thanka DIY sessions will also be available to the general public. So, don't miss this special treat to the fantastic art and culture of Tibet.   Organizer: Mahamudra Five Paths Dharma Studies Association Tickets: NT$ 150 without discount; NT$ 135 for group of 20 and more; other discounts are available for students, Buddhist monks, and handicapped visitors. Ticketing:   Tickets are available through the Era Ticketing System or onsite at the ticket booth; for enquiry, please dial 07-3800089 ext. 6739. Time January 20th to February 28th 2005 Location: Temporary Exhibition Hall II and III, National Science and Technology Museum

Japanese Edo Period Mechanical Figurine Exhibition

Japanese Edo Period Mechanical Figurine Exhibition

Renaissance in the Edo period stimulated creation of high-tech toys. These jumping, moving, transforming, and joggling figurines brought people to unveil the secret of human movements. The interesting movements and mimicking expressions are unique creations of the advanced technologies developed in the Edo Period. This exhibition, organized by the InterchangeAssociation Japan (IAJ) and the National Museum of Science and technology, showcases an extensive collection of karakuri representative of the different areas of Japan. It will be on for only eight days from January 15th (Sat.) to 23rd (Sun.) 2005 and special DIY sessions will also be available for onsite registration. So, don't miss this fantastic experience.

The DNA of Paper

The DNA of Paper

The DNA of Paper
